What does digital transformation mean for you?

By Cantec Group   Digital transformation is not a project. It’s a process of continuous innovation, whereby businesses invest in improving people, products, and processes. The journey towards digital transformation for each organisation will be unique, but the advantages sought are very similar. Process automation improves productivity, efficiency and integration whilst reducing costs and error…

Alpha Wealth: A Decade of Empowering Financial Futures

by Mary-Jane O-Regan    In the bustling hub of Little Island, Cork, lies a beacon of financial expertise and client-centred service – Alpha Wealth. As they celebrated their remarkable 10th anniversary in business last Friday, the occasion not only marked a milestone but also served as a testament to their unwavering commitment to empowering individuals…

MTU’s Strategic Win: Securing €1.2 Million Funding for Knowledge Transfer from Enterprise Ireland

Munster Technological University has secured €1.2 million funding for knowledge transfer from Enterprise Ireland’s KT Boost programme, marking a key milestone for the University in driving socio-economic growth through research commercialisation and collaboration with enterprise. The KT Boost Programme is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland…

The PSYCHED Workplace recognises PepsiCo’s Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing program

PepsiCo has been recognised by the PSYCHED Workplace within the HSE at Cork County Council’s event for the HowAREyouDoing? program – focusing on Mental Health Awareness and Wellbeing for PepsiCo employees across Ireland. A recognition certificate was presented to PepsiCo by Deputy Cork Lord Mayor Cllr. Colette Finn and Deputy County Mayor Cllr. John Healy…

Clean Coasts and Uisce Éireann urge students at the National Marine Environment Conference to Think Before You Flush and help protect our environment

The Think Before You Flush Campaign, operated by Clean Coasts in partnership with Uisce Éireann, had a presence at this year’s National Marine Environment Conference (NMEC) organised by Green Schools. The conference is a gathering of students and teachers from all over the country to learn more about how they can help in shaping our…

Professional Rugby Player Alex Kendellen Joins The Hope Foundation as Ambassador

The Hope Foundation (HOPE), the Cork-based charity dedicated to supporting street-connected and slum-dwelling children and communities in Kolkata, India, proudly announces the appointment of Alex Kendellen as its newest ambassador.   With HOPE celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, the addition of Alex as an ambassador further strengthens the organisation’s commitment to making a positive…