January is always the time of the year for new beginnings, with the cost of living going up, job security is challenging, why not start the new year with a savings habit that will give you peace of mind. In the current challenging times, with prices for fuel, utilities and groceries soaring to record highs, households are struggling to manage the rising costs of living. Some of the biggest price hikes in decades have put enormous strain on household budgets. Our Lady Crowned Credit Union wants to let people know that we are here to support our members. Loretto Dennehy McCarthy, CEO, said “opening a credit union account is a straightforward process, simply bring in 2 forms of ID and a employer letter or ID to say you are working in Little Island and we can do the rest. Each credit union account now has an IBAN so you can transfer easily into your account when you choose”.
A small amount each week can soon add up and keep your mind at rest should any unfortunate event crop up you have savings to use. Remember you can always borrow from us for anything you need. For more information on the credit union www.olccu.ie