A brand new series of Grow Cook Eat is about to be broadcast into homes across Ireland on Wednesday, March 18th for a seven-week prime time run on RTE 1. Throughout this series, GIY are calling on the people of Ireland to join them and participate in the UN’s Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with food systems playing a major role in several of the 17 SDGs.
The show is anchored at the home of GIY, at GROW HQ in Waterford City and each week the TV show sees presenters Michael Kelly and Karen O’Donohoe travel to meet and visit expert food producers, chefs, and innovative community food projects all across the country, plus delicious menu ideas will be shared weekly by Chef Katie Sanderson, founder of White Mausu. From plot to plate to waste, Grow Cook Eat shows that simple, everyday food actions can make a powerful lifestyle change.
In the first episode, the show visits Cork and Dublin where Karen meets the team behind Fota Wildlife Park where they go to great lengths to ensure that all animal’s diest needs are catered for, so much so that the Tigers even have their own herb garden!
Michael travels to North Dublin to learn about commercial onion growing, as he meets up with Ireland’s only commercial producer of onions. The Hoey brother’s behind north Co Dublin-based company Country Crest Onions tell Michael all about the new challenges they face in a changing climate.
Getting down to the growing side of the show, Michael shows us all how to grow broad beans in the garden at GROW HQ soil. According to Michale, it is an easy vegetable to grow, as long as you have a resident ladybird and hose to keep the blackfly at bay, plus a beer trap for the slugs for good measure. Karen gets her own container garden to show how much an apartment balcony can produce.
The results of the growing feature in the kitchen at GROW HQ as Chef Katie Sanderson cooks up a delicious broad bean feast, served up with ricotta, salsa verde and seedy crackers.
Bord Bia’s Director of Horticulture Mike Neary said, “Bord Bia is proud to sponsor GROW COOK EAT for a third season. The programme brings to life the immense time, effort, and care Irish growers put into producing nutritious and sustainable fresh produce, while also recognising the significant social and economic contribution they make not just to their local communities, but the wider Irish economy. Viewers can grow their own vegetables at home or buy local seasonal produce and cook one of the tasty recipes in their own kitchens.”
GROW COOK EAT airs each Wednesday evening at 8.30 pm on RTE1 from March 18th until April 29th. The show is sponsored by Bord Bia. ‘GROW COOK EAT’ is a very practical series, aimed at helping people with little or no knowledge to grow their own food. As well as the step-by-step guides to growing vegetables, this series places a large emphasis on food sustainability and supporting Ireland’s food producers. For further details see http://growcookeat.ie/