“An Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Society” is published by the National Council for Special Education

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD and Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion Josepha Madigan TD today welcomed the publication of the National Council for Special Education (NCSE)’s policy advice paper ‘An Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Society.’ The policy advice was requested in 2018 by the then Minister for Education and NCSE. The advice was…

Plan for the future of Ireland’s Digital Creative Industries launched today

Today the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media (DTCAGSM) Catherine Martin T.D., the Minister for Enterprise, Trade & Employment (DETE), Simon Coveney T.D., and the Minister of State for Digital Transformation, Dara Calleary T.D. launched the Roadmap for the Digital Creative Industries.   Developed by the Creative Ireland Programme within DTCAGSM and DETE, the Roadmap responds to…

Cork Business Association to Unveil Ambitious 5-Year Strategic Plan for Cork City Growth

Cork Business Association (CBA)  is launching a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan, charting a course for impactful initiatives across Cork City. To provide businesses in Cork with an in-depth understanding of this strategic vision, an evening briefing has been scheduled at The Imperial Hotel on Thursday, January 25th, starting at 6 pm.  Members and all interested…

Minister Harris welcomes record levels of spending for Research and Development (R&D)

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD has welcomed the publication of a report which shows record levels of Government spending on research and development (R&D) in Ireland. The Research and Development Budget 2022-2023 shows that the Government’s investment in R&D (GBARD) was €963.7m in 2022 and is estimated…